Bolt IoT Documentation
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Getting Started
Text tutorial: Setup and build first project
Controlling output devices (Glowing an LED)
Getting started with Bolt IoT
Introduction to Bolt WiFi Module
Introduction to Bolt Cloud
Getting started: Installing the mobile app
Video tutorial: Setup and build first project
Text tutorial: Setup and build first project
Controlling output devices (Glowing an LED)
Getting help
To be deleted
Bolt Cloud Basics
Adding a new device
Creating a new product
Types of products
Configuring product hardware
Getting latest data point
Uploading custom files
Using Custom files in your product
Linking device to a product
Deleting a Product from the Bolt Cloud
Unlinking device from a product
Unlinking device from your account
Changing the name of the device.
Bolt Cloud Features
Alerts feature on the Bolt Cloud
Creating & Managing Products
Import Example Code
Sharing Device
Sharing Device (New)
Sharing devices on social media
Device info
Alerts feature on the Bolt Cloud
API Request Builder
Data Visualization
Line Graph
Bar Graph
Scatter Graph
Area Graph
Table Chart
Stepped Graph
Histogram Graph
Multiple Graph
Deploy Configuration Feature
Arithmetic Operations (Beta)
GPIO Commands
UART Commands
Utility Commands
Pro APIs
API Introduction
API Request
GPIO Commands
UART Commands
Utility Commands
Sample Code
API access rules
Pro APIs
Bolt Cloud Pro API
Write Servo Output
Fetch all device data
Hardware Specifications
Bolt WiFi Module
Interfacing Controllers
Arduino Library
Client Libraries
Python Library
Javascript Library
Firmware Update
Firmware Update
Firmware Update
Alexa Skill
Bubble: Visual Programming
Creating app from basics
Getting Started
Creating app using template
Creating app from basics
Bolt App
Bolt App
Bolt iot chrome extension
Bolt IoT Chrome Extension
Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Keys
Fritzing Parts
Bolt IoT Javascript library
Projects on the Boltduino
What is Boltduino?
Setup the Boltduino
Projects on the Boltduino
Setup the Boltduino 2
What is Boltduino? backup
Machine Learning
Prediction Graph (Beta)
Raspberry Pi with Bolt Cloud
Raspberry Pi
Setting up Raspberry Pi
Adding Raspberry Pi to Bolt Cloud
Pinout for Raspberry Pi
Some of the Bolt Cloud features available for Raspberry Pi
Project Sharing
Export Product
Import Product
Product Description
Project tutorials
Submit your project
Feature request
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Bolt IoT Documentation