Initialize serial communicationCommand : serialBeginParameters baud: It is the baud rate to be set for Bolt. It can take value 9600. deviceName*: The name of the Bolt device you want to control.Example: ...
Command : serialWriteParameters data: dataString where String will be transmitted as ASCII characters deviceName*: The name of the Bolt device you want to control.Example: ...
Command : serialReadParameters data: till: Read the data upto the specified 'till' value from the incoming UART data to Bolt. It takes ASCII value of the character from 0-127. deviceName*: The name of the Bolt device you want to control.Examp ...
Command : serialWRParameters data: The data that has to be written to the UART. till: Read the data upto the specified 'till' value from the incoming UART data to Bolt. It takes ASCII value of the character from 0-127. deviceName*: The name ...