1. Overview
  2. Blake
  3. Steps to find MAC ID of the Blake device

Steps to find MAC ID of the Blake device

Follow theses Steps to find your device’s MAC address:

  • Download a Network Scanner App:

For Windows you can download "Advanced IP Scanner", For Mac you can use "Lanscan" and for Mobile devices you can use "Fing" from the app store/play store. These applications allow you to scan nearby networks.

  • Scan for Nearby Networks:

Once installed, run the app to view nearby network devices. Your Bolt or Blake device will be listed as “Espressif Inc.”

Note: Ensure the device is powered on for it to appear in the list.

  • Identify the Device and Record Details:
    • Note down the IP Address and MAC ID associated with your device in the scanner app.
    • Then, in a web browser, enter:
      "http://<IP Address>/getId"

Please note: (replace <IP Address> with the IP noted).

  • This will display the BOLT ID, shown as “BOLT” followed by a series of numbers.

This confirms the IP is linked to the Bolt/Blake device, and the MAC ID displayed in the app corresponds to your device’s MAC ID.

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