Write Analog Output (PWM)
Command : analogWrite
- pin: It is the Bolt GPIO you want to control. It can take any of the following values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
- value: It is the analog output voltage to be provided on the GPIO. It can take value between 0-255.
- deviceName: The name of the Bolt device you want to control.
Example: - https://cloud.boltiot.com/remote/44b2de6b-7e68-40e7-a27f-814b58afe008/analogWrite?pin=1&value=0&deviceName=BOLT1257632
- browser output for 0 volts:
{"success":"1","value":"1"} - https://cloud.boltiot.com/remote/44b2de6b-7e68-40e7-a27f-814b58afe008/analogWrite?pin=1&value=245&deviceName=BOLT1257632
- browser output for 2.5 volts:
Command : analogMultiWrite
- pins: This is a CSV list of Bolt GPIO pins you want to control.
- values: This is a CSV list of analog values you want to set for the corresponding pins. The values can be in range of 0 to 255.
- deviceName: The name of the Bolt device you want to control.
Example: - https://cloud.boltiot.com/remote/44b2de6b-7e68-40e7-a27f-814b58afe008/analogMultiWrite?pin=1,2,3&value=100,200,255&deviceName=BOLT1257632
- browser output :