Creating an Alert on the Bolt Cloud.

  • Log into the Bolt Cloud, and go to the alerts tab.
  • Click on the "Add new alert" button. The Cloud will redirect you to the alert configurations page.
  • Click on the "+" button to start configuring your product.
  • Configure the following details for your alert.
    1. Alert Name: The name of the alert which you will refer to in the future.
    2. The condition under which a notification should be sent to you.
    3. If you choose data, you will be required to select/add the following parameters.
      a. The parameter which has to be monitored.
      b. The comparison that has to be done.
      c. The value to which the parameter has to be compared to.
    4. Status alerts can only be added by Bolt Cloud pro users. If you select status alert you will be required to inform the Bolt Cloud how long to wait after the device is offline before it sends out an alert.
    5. The kind of notification that has to be sent.
    6. The message that should be sent to you in case the alert is triggered by a device.



The message can be configured to include variables so that the output message is filled with useful information. The variable must be present inside curly braces {var_name}.

There are total of seven different variables available to suit the needs:

  1. device_id
  2. device_name
  3. pin
  4. comparison
  5. trigger_value
  6. value
  7. status

Example: Message defined as "The temperature monitored by the Blake Temperature and humidity monitoring {device_name} in your server room is {status}. Please take the necessary action." will be rendered as "The temperature monitored by the Blake Temperature and humidity monitoring BOLT1234 in your server room is 100. Please take the necessary action."


One-time alert: This type of alert triggers only for the first time the alert threshold is crossed.

For example, if you set an alert for a temperature greater than 20℃, you will be notified when the detected temperature reaches above 20℃.
If the next temperature reading remains higher than 20℃, no new alerts will be triggered. When the temperature falls below 20℃, the alert resets and you will be notified the next time when the temperature exceeds 20℃.

If you disable One-time alert, then the alert type is set to Continuous. This triggers an alert every time the alert threshold is crossed.

For example, if you set an alert for a temperature greater than 20℃, you will be notified when the detected temperature reaches above 20℃. Each time the device records a new temperature above 20℃, it will trigger a new notification. So if the temperature stays above 20℃, you will continuously keep getting the same alert.

Please note, if you disable One-time alert it can generate a large amount of redundant alerts that can be annoying to certain users and also may raise concerns of spamming from email, SMS, and push notification gateway providers. Therefore, we recommend having it enabled.

  • Next, the Following is a list of types of notifications that you can currently use, along with ones that are being planned for the near future.

    1. Push notification for Android (Only available for Bolt IoT app version 1.10.1 and above)
    2. Push notification for IoS (Coming soon)
    3. SMS notification (For Bolt Cloud Pro users only)
    4. Email notification (For Bolt Cloud Pro users only)
  • If you have selected SMS or email alert type, add at the least 1 recipient by using the following steps (Only for Bolt Cloud Pro users):

    1. Click on the add recipient button.
  1. Enter the recipient details (phone number for SMS alert, email id for email alert)
  1. Click on the tick mark button, to confirm the recipient.

4. Set the time based alert

Time based alert will send alert only for a set period of time of the day.
Use case; say your production hours are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, then you can set the alerts such that you only receive them during that time. For any other time the room Temperature crosses the threshold, it will not send any alerts.

To set the time based alert:

Select the days from Time period for alerts box and then choose the time.

  • Enable the alert and then save it.
    Only alerts which are enabled will monitor data from devices and send notifications.
  • After saving the alert the Bolt Cloud will redirect you to the alerts tab. Which will display the newly created alert.

You have successfully created a new alert.